Scholarships & Financial Assistance
YSA Stein Eriksen Dare to Dream Scholarship
Applicant Documents:
Please read the Scholarship Criteria below and have the required documents ready prior to applying.
The Youth Sports Alliance (YSA) will award one Park City High School and one Winter Sports School graduating senior a $3,000 scholarship to help defray expenses of attending a four-year college or university, community college, or trade school. Applicant must have trained with one of YSA's seven-member teams three of their four years of high school, and maintained an overall 3.5 unweighted GPA. The recipient must attend college or trade school within 20 months after graduation. Funds will be paid directly to the recipient's college or trade school. This Scholarship is based on merit.
***Winter Sports School application period open August 1-31st, click link below
*** Park City High School scholarship applicants should apply through the PCHS Community Scholarship, offered each fall. Please contact PCHS for dates and application.
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